Why are you suffering from depression?
We used to believe that depression was a chemical imbalance of the brain, but research indicates no evidence to support this belief.
So why are you depressed? A life event or events likely triggered your depression.
Losing a loved one or losing physical functioning, like a chronic disease state, can cause depression.
When your children leave the house, you become an empty nester, creating a sense of lost identity – making you feel like you are no longer a mother or father. Another case of lost identity may result from retirement – as you shifted from an expert in your field to an amateur at golf or gardening.
How do you know you are depressed?
Depression can take many forms, and there are many possible symptoms of depression. I generally understand depression as a lack of energy – a sense of listlessness, fatigue, or lack of motivation to want to do anything.
Here is a laundry list of common symptoms of depression: Feeling hopeless, having low energy, difficulty getting out of bed, overeating, undereating, suicidal thoughts, irritability, difficulty falling or staying asleep, and sadness all the time.
Do these symptoms sound familiar?
You have tried to “get over” your depression.
Perhaps your friends or relatives encouraged you to “get over” your depression, “snap out of it,” or “think happy thoughts.” They don’t understand how difficult it is for you to climb out of that deep hole.
You may have tried relieving your depression by drinking or binge-watching a TV series on Netflix, but the relief is only temporary.
Nothing you try makes you feel better, but you feel worse, creating a sense of hopelessness and loss.
Then comes the blame game, where you blame yourself. “What is wrong with me?” “Why can’t I get over it?” “There are people with bigger problems than me. I am being selfish, focusing on myself.”
You are not to blame!
Blame and shame, though, keep fueling your negative thoughts about yourself, increase your depressed mood, and stop you from taking any action that might make you feel better.
Thankfully there remains a small part of you that has kept you alive – kept you looking for a way out of your darkness.
The Good News is – you have come to the right place.
There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel and a brighter future ahead.
How do we know this? We have been helping clients for many years climb their way out of the dark hole we call “depression.” That climb starts by getting to the root causes of your depression.
You may be surprised to learn that depression, although painful and dangerous, is a coping mechanism you learned to numb and keep away painful memories and negative emotions from the past.
We will work together to get to the root causes of your depression By eliminating those root causes, you will no longer need to feel emotionally depressed. Instead, you will be free to feel happy, joyful, sad, fearful, and love – with a full range of emotions. You will no longer feel stuck in a “depressed state” and become able to access a deep sense of well-being directly.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Guided meditations will help you immediately access a deep sense of well-being while we continue to work on removing the root causes of your symptoms.
Hope and the journey to feeling joyful again is just a phone call away.
We encourage you to call us for a free 15-minute consultation at (845) 255-2443.